New Years, Health Fair & You

With the new year upon us, many of us put a renewed focus on our health. There are many ways to measure our “health” because our bodies feature many complex systems working together to keep us healthy. Montrose Regional Health’s Health Fair events feature various reduced-rate blood draws to help inform you about health indicators for some of your body’s important functions.

We’ve had some exciting developments with this year’s events, as our partnership with It Starts With Me Health (ISWM) will allow us to provide an enhanced experience for our participants, including accepting credit cards! In addition to cash and checks which we have always accepted, we now have the ability to accept credit, debit, HSA and FLEX cards at each of our events.

We also added a few screenings: the Advanced Lipid & Heart Health Panel, hsCardioCRP, and the Colon Cancer Screening Kit. These added screenings will give our participants more information about their body’s complex systems than we’ve ever offered before!

It is worth noting that not every screening is right for each person: not every grown man needs a PSA test, for instance. Each year we receive phone calls asking for guidance on which tests to receive at our events – are you wondering this too? Because everyone’s body, family history, etc., is different, we’re not in a place to give you advice. We always encourage you to have these conversations with your healthcare provider and discuss what is right for you.

In our event’s history, we have had the pleasure of hearing people comment about the life-altering results of their screenings – how they found out about a serious health issue they previously weren’t aware of. This enabled them to seek immediate care and have the health concern addressed. We have always said that if one person experiences this, our events have been a success! These blood draws have been in our community for over thirty years – if only we knew how many people have truly been impacted by the entirety of our events!

Our dates, times, and menu offerings can be found on our website, You can also call Montrose Regional Health for more information at (970) 249-2211.

Brad Wiersma, Community Engagement Manager, MRH 252-2513

Health Fair Information